
2016年3月22日 星期二

[Java] SCJP 例題 020/例題 023/例題 024

例題 020 

A team of programmers is reviewing a proposed API for a new utility class.

After some discussion經過一些討論之後,
they realize that they can reduce the number of methods in the API without losing any functionality.

If they implement the new design, which two OO principles will they be promoting?

   A. Looser coupling
   B. Tighter coupling
   C. Lower cohesion
   D. Higher cohesion  
   E. Weaker encapsulation
   F. Stronger encapsulation

這題非常非常陌生, 感覺沒看過這種敘述,
雖然以前老師有提過, 但是只要一個禮拜不看就忘了這回事.
這題自己寫的時候還是記得把中文蓋著吧, 感覺考是應該沒有. 



Looser coupling 鬆散耦合 
Lower cohesion  低凝聚力
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例題 023 
A company has a business application that provides its users with many different reports: receivables reports, 
payables reports, revenue projects, and so on.

The company has just purchased some new, state-of-the-art,wireless printers, 
and a programmer has been assigned the task of enhancing all of the reports to use 
not only the company‘s old  printers, but the new wireless printers as well. 

When the programmer starts looking into the application, 
the programmer discovers that because of the design of the application, 
it is necessary to make changes to each report to support the new printers. 

Which two design concepts most likely explain the situation? (Choose two.)

   A. Inheritance
   B. Low cohesion
   C. Tight coupling
   D. High cohesion
   E. Loose coupling
   F. Object immutablility 

由上面兩題看, 要把功能緊緊綁在一起, 讓新舊並行,
就需要Low cohesion和Tight coupling,  (023)
而開發新的功能要與舊的有差異, 不要讓重覆工能太多,
就需要Looser coupling 和 Lower cohesion . (020)
好項需要去看一下影片, 有看到有人說要老師提供. ㄏㄏ 
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 例題 024 
A company that makes Computer Assisted Design(CAD) software has, 
within its application some utility classes that are used to perform 3D rendering tasks. 

The company's chief scientist has just improved the performance of one of 
the utility classes' key rendering  algorithms, and has assigned a programmer to replace the old algorithm 
with the new algorithm.

When the programmer begins researching the utility classes, 
she is happy to discover that the algorithm to be replaced exists in only one class.
The programmer reviews that class‘s API,
and replaces the old algorithm with the new algorithm, 
being careful that her changes adhere strictly to the class’s API.

Once testing has begun, 
the programmer discovers that other classes that use the class she changed are no longer working properly. 

What design flaw is most likely the cause of there new bugs?
  A. Inheritance
  B. Tight coupling
  C. Low cohesion
  D. High cohesion
  E. Loose coupling
  F. Object immutablility

